The next time one of your appliances breaks down, don't stress, just book a Pul technician to come and repair it. Puls has local technicians in the Texas area who are reliable and well-vetted and give great service every time.
We support all types of appliances in Methuen, MA
We support all major brands in Methuen, MA
So far in 2025, we have fixed 1040 devices in Methuen, MA. The 5 most common devices we fixed were:
At Methuen, MA we have 14 active technicians with average rating of 4.7 |
Hi, I'm Puls tech Neil, I specialize in major appliances but I have years of hands on experience in other lines of work. Every job I start, I complete in a safe and professional manner, 100% guarantee focus on making the customer happy and fully satisfied.
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"Time efficient. Cost effective. Great results. Friendly technician. Easy. Convenient. A happy camper here.", Harrison M.
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362 Reviews
Skilled and experienced technician at your service.
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"Pricing was great; AJ the tech was super nice and knowledgeable; same-day, at-home service a nice surprise!", Elizabeth K.
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246 Reviews
Experienced appliance repair technician, with a focus on washers, dryers, dishwashers and even ! Very good attention to detail, communication and customer service skills.
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"youre easy to book and get the job done nicely!", Will M.
Work Showcase:
321 Reviews
Skilled appliance repair technician 13 years of experience Located in the Methuen, MA
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"The system is the most efficient one I have ever since.", Sam Y.
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LG, Refrigerator repair in Methuen, MA | New |
03/10/2025 Not cooling -ice maker makes ice but cannot retrieve thru front Yes Neil C. 3 hours $103 |
LG, Washer repair in Methuen, MA |
03/10/2025 the water from the washing machine is leaking into the drain pan throughout the washing cycle. No Brian S. 3 hours $185 |
Whirlpool, Washer repair in Methuen, MA |
03/09/2025 Sometimes it drains completely, sometimes there’s an inch-high water left at the bottom. Yes Adrian S. 2 hours $118 |
General Electric, Refrigerator repair in Methuen, MA |
03/08/2025 Freezer is not freezing and refrigerator is not keeping the food cool enough No James G. 2 hours $116 |